Tony Sansone Jr. kept seeing the same kid. It was at an outdoor rink in Kirkwood. It was really early in the mornings. It was really cold. “I think his lips were stuck to the Plexigla

Tony Sansone Jr. kept seeing the same kid. It was at an outdoor rink in Kirkwood. It was really early in the mornings. It was really cold. “I think his lips were stuck to the Plexiglas, he would not take his eyes off the goalie, he was just fascinated,” Sansone recalled. “I go, ‘Hey there, what are you doing?’ And he says, ‘Watching my brother play hockey.’ I go, ‘Why aren’t you out there playing?’ He goes, ‘Oh, they won’t let me play.’ “That’s all he said, and it hit me. He’s got to play. Someway, somehow.” And on Jan. 31, 1994, Sansone let the kid play…click here to read the entire article by Benjamin Hochman of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.

(click here for full article)